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Regional plots


Color issue

  • gwaslab<=3.4.39 : the color assigned to each variant is actually the color for the lower LD r2 category. For example, variants with LD>0.8 will be colored with the color for 0.8>LD>0.6.
  • gwaslab v3.4.40 : the color for regeion_ref_second was assigned based on region_ref LD.
  • Solution: Update to new version (>=3.4.41) of gwaslab.

GWASLab provides functions for creating regional plots.


          region = None,

GWASLab regional plot function is based on plot_mqq(). Most options are largely the same as Manhattan plot.


Option DataType Description Default
mode r specify regional plot mode -
region tuple a three elements tuple (chr, start, end); for example, (7,156538803,157538803) -
vcf_path string path to LD reference in VCF format: if None, LD information will not be plotted. None
region_ref boolean the SNPID or rsID (if SNPID is not available) for reference variant; if None, lead variants will be selected None
region_ref2 boolean the SNPID or rsID for the second reference variant None
region_grid boolean If True, plot the grid line False
region_grid_line dict parameters for the grid line {"linewidth": 2,"linestyle":"--"}
region_lead_grid string If True, plot a line to show the reference variants -
region_lead_grid_line string parameters for the line to show the reference variants {"alpha":0.5,"linewidth" : 2,"linestyle":"--","color":"#FF0000"}
region_ld_threshold list LD r2 categories [0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8]
region_ld_colors list LD r2 categories colors ["#E4E4E4","#020080","#86CEF9","#24FF02","#FDA400","#FF0000","#FF0000"]
region_ld_colors1 list LD r2 categories colors for the first reference varaint (when region_ref2 is specified) ["#E4E4E4","#F8CFCF","#F5A2A5","#F17474","#EB4445","#E51819","#E51819"]
region_ld_colors2 list LD r2 categories colors for the second reference varaint (when region_ref2 is specified) ["#E4E4E4","#D8E2F2","#AFCBE3","#86B3D4","#5D98C4","#367EB7","#367EB7"]
region_hspace float the space between the scatter plot and the gene track 0.02
region_step int number of X axis ticks 21
region_recombination boolean True
tabix string path to tabix; if None, GWASLab will search in environmental path; Note: if tabix is available, the speed is much faster!!! None
taf list a five-element list; number of gene track lanes, offset for gene track, font_ratio, exon_ratio, text_offset [4,0,0.95,1,1]
build 19 or 38 reference genome build; 99 for unknown 99

Calculation of LD r2

The calculation is based on Rogers and Huff r implemented in scikit-alle. Variants in refernece vcf file should be biallelic format. Unphased data is acceptable. AF information is not needed. Variant ID is not required. Missing genotype is allowed.



See Regional plot


  1. Why some genes are missing in the gene track?

We only included protein-coding genes in the reference GTF files for plotting the gene track.

  1. Why some exons are missing in the gene track?

Sometimes the exon is too short to reach even 1 pixel in the plot. You can either increase the dpi or reduce the length of the region.

  1. Why an error occurs even if both variants are in the reference VCF?

When the reference variant is mono-allelic in the reference VCF, LD can not be calculated.