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Output sumstats in certain formats

GWASLab provides a flexible formatting and saving function.




.to_format() options DataType Description Default
path string the path for the output file; only prefix is needed. "./sumstats"
fmt string output format for sumstats. Currently support plink ,plink2, ldsc, saige, fastgwa, regenie and so forth. For details , please check "gwaslab"
cols list list of additional columns to linclude in the output None
extract list a list of variant SNPIDs to include. None
exclude list a list of variant SNPIDs to exclude. None
id_use SNPID or rsID specify which ID to use when excluding or extracting variants. rsID
hapmap3 boolean If True, only output Hapmap3 SNPs. False
exclude_hla boolean if True, exclude variants in the MHC region from the output. False
hla_range tuple a tuple of 2 numbers (MBp) indicating the start and the end position of the HLA region. (25,34)
build string reference genome build. "19"
xymt_number boolean if True, output sex chromosomes as X/Y/MT "False"
xymt list 3-element list of sex chromosome notations to indicate how to convert integers to sex chromosome ["X","Y","MT"]
chr_prefix string Add a prefix to chromosomes. For example, 6 -> Chr6. ""
bgzip boolean If True, bgzip the output file. Only works for bed and vcf format. -
tabix boolean If True, use tabix to index the bgzipped output file. Only works for bed and vcf format. -
tabix_indexargs dict extra parameters for pysam.tabix_index() {}
md5sum boolean If True, calculate and output the file MD5 hashes False
to_csvargs dict extra parameters for pd.to_csv() None
float_formats dict a dictionary to specify the float format for each column. None
verbose boolean If True, print logs. True
output_log boolean If True, save the log to a file. True
ssfmeta boolean If True, output a gwas-ssf-style meta file. False

Format dictionary

Using float_formats, you can specify the formats for numbers.

Default formats for floating-point numbers

{'EAF': '{:.4g}', 'BETA': '{:.4f}', 'Z': '{:.4f}','CHISQ': '{:.4f}','SE': '{:.4f}','OR': '{:.4f}','OR_95U': '{:.4f}','OR_95L': '{:.4f}','INFO': '{:.4f}','P': '{:.4e}','MLOG10P': '{:.4f}','DAF': '{:.4f}'}


GWASLab supports commonly used tabular formats, which are listed in a companion repository formatbook.


For more details, please check formatbook


See Output sumstats