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Sumstats Object in GWASLab

In GWASLab, sumstats were stored in a Sumstats Object, which is built on pandas Dataframe. All other functions are designed as methods of this Sumstats Object.

To load any sumstats into the object, simply specify the column name and load the raw GWAS summary statistics from a pandas DataFrame or specify a file path. All raw data will be loaded as "string" datatype.


mysumstats = gl.Sumstats(


sumstats: either a file path string or a pandas DataFrame

Currently, GWASLab supports the following columns:

Option DataType Description Header in GWASLab
snpid string variant ID column name, preferably in chr:pos:ea:nea format. SNPID
rsid string dbSNP rsID column name rsID

The minimum required columns are just either rsidor snpid. All other columns and options are optional.

Option DataType Description Header in GWASLab
fmt string input sumstats format. For formats supported by GWASLab, please check -
chrom string chromosome column name CHR
pos string basepair position column name POS
ea string effect allele column name; BETA, OR, HR, EAF are in reference to EA... EA
nea string non-effect allele column name NEA
ref string reference allele column name; the allele on reference genome REF
alt string alternative allele column name; the allele that is not on reference genome; when ea,ref and alt are specified, nea will be inferred. ALT
eaf string effect allele frequency EAF
neaf string non-effect allele frequency. NEAF will be converted to EAF (EAF = 1 - NEAF) while loading. EAF
n string or integer sample size column name or just input a single integer as sample size for all variants N
beta string effect size beta column name; in reference to EA BETA
se string standard error column name SE
chisq string chi square column name CHISQ
z string z score column name Z
p string p value column name P
mlog10p string -log10(P) column name MLOG10P
info string imputation info or rsq column name INFO
OR string odds ratio column name; in reference to EA OR
OR_95L string odds ratio lower 95% CI column name OR_95L
OR_95U string odds ratio upper 95% CI column name OR_95U
direction string direction column name. GWASLab uses METAL format (e.g. ++--+?+0) DIRECTION
other list a list of other column names you want to keep with the core columns (probably some annotations). -
ncontrol string or integer sample size column name for controls or just input a single integer as sample size for all variants N_CONTROL
ncase string or integer sample size column name for cases or just input a single integer as sample size for all variants N_CASE
HR string hazrad ratio column name HR
HR_95U string hazrad ratio upper 95% CI column name HR_95U
HR_95L string hazrad ratio lower 95% CI column name HR_95L
beta_95U string beta upper 95% CI column name BETA_95U
beta_95L string beta lower 95% CI column name BETA_95L
i2 string I2 column name I2_HET
phet string heterogeneity test P value P_HET
dof string or integer degree of freedom DOF
snpr2 string column name for proportion of phenotypic variance explained by each variant SNPR2
maf string minor allele frequency column header MAF
f string F statistics column header F
status string status code column name. GWASLab uses a 7-digit vairant status code. For details, please check status code page. STATUS
verbose boolean if True, print log. -
build string genome build. 19 for hg19, 38 for hg38 and 99 for unknown. The first two digits of STATUS
**arg string additional parameters for pd.read_table() function. Some common options include : sep,nrows, skiprows and na_values. -

Loading sumstats

Load by specifying columns

You can load the sumstats by specifying the columns like:

Load sumstats by manually specifying columns

mysumstats = gl.Sumstats("t2d_bbj.txt.gz",

Load by specifying formats

GWASLab supports common sumstats formats and you can load sumstats by specifying fmt.

GWASLab uses a manually curated format conversion dictionary in Currently, it supports the following formats:

Keyword Description
gwascatalog GWAS Catalog format
pgscatalog PGS Catalog format
plink PLINK output format
plink2 PLINK2 output format
saige SAIGE output format
regenie output format
fastgwa output format
metal output format
mrmega output format
fuma input format
ldsc input format
locuszoom input format
vcf gwas-vcf format
bolt_lmm output format

Update Formatbook using gl.update_formaybook()

Mon Jul 17 17:38:11 2023 Updating formatbook from:
Mon Jul 17 17:38:12 2023 Overwrite formatbook to :  /home/yunye/gwaslab/gwaslab/src/gwaslab/data/formatbook.json
Mon Jul 17 17:38:12 2023 Available formats: auto,bolt_lmm,fastgwa,gwascatalog,gwascatalog_hm,gwaslab,ldsc,metal,mrmega,mtag,pgscatalog,pgscatalog_hm,pheweb,plink,plink2,regenie,saige,ssf,template,vcf
Mon Jul 17 17:38:12 2023 Formatbook has been updated!

Load sumstats by simply specifying the format

mysumstats = gl.Sumstats("t2d_bbj.txt.gz", fmt="saige")

Load sumstats with auto mode

GWASLab also provides an auto mode (fmt="auto"; available since v3.4.21) which assumes A1 or alternative allele (ALT) is the effect allele (EA) and Frq refers to the allele frequency of effect allele (EAF). Common headers will be detected. You can find the conversion table here

Load sumstats with auto mode

mysumstats = gl.Sumstats("t2d_bbj.txt.gz", fmt="auto")

Load sumstats from chromosome-separated files

GWASLab supports loading sumstats from chromosome-separated files (file names need to be in the same pattern.). Just use @ to replace the chromosome numbers.


mysumstats = gl.Sumstats("t2d.chr@.txt.gz",fmt="metal")

Check and save sumstats

After loading, the raw data columns will be renamed to new columns without ambiguity and the DataFrame is stored in .data :


You can simply save the processed data using pandas saving functions, for example:


or convert the sumstats to other sumstats using GWASLab to_format() function (recommended):


mysumstats.to_format("./mysumstats", fmt="ldsc",hapmap3=True, exclude_hla=True, build="19")

Please check GWASLab - Format for more details.

Saving half-finished Sumstats Object

If the pipeline is very long, and you need to temporarily save the Sumstats Object, you can use the .dump_pickle() method to temporarily save the Sumstats Object.

Please check GWASLab - Pickle for more details.


All manipulation conducted to the sumstats will be logged for reproducibility and traceability.

The log is stored in a gl.Log() object. You can check it by save it using


Sumstats summary

You can check the meta information of sumstats by:



Other functions

Other functions of GWASLab are implemented as the methods of Sumstats Object.



