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Per SNP Heritability

GWASLab provides a simple function to calculate the variance explained by each SNP.

Available since v3.4.20



It needs effect size BETA and effect allele frequency EAF for calculation. If N is available, it will also calculate the F-statistics.


.get_per_snp_r2() options DataType Description Default
mode q or b q: quantitative trait; b: binary trait q

For quantitative traits (mode="q"), GWASLab will use BETA, EAF to calculate SNPR2.

.get_per_snp_r2() options DataType Description Default
vary float or se Var(Y); if vary="se",Var(Y) will be estimated using SE 1
k int k for calculating F 1

For SNP i

When vary=1 and k=1:

\[ h^2_{i} = 2 \times \beta_i^2 \times EAF \times (1 - EAF) \]
\[ F = h^2_{i} \times (n -2) / (1 - h^2_{i}) \]

For binary traits (mode="b"), ncase, ncontrol and prevalence are needed to estimate the variance of liability explained by variants:

.get_per_snp_r2() options DataType Description Default
ncase int number of cases -
ncontrol int number of controls -
prevalence float prevalence in general population -


Equation 10 in Lee, S. H., Goddard, M. E., Wray, N. R., & Visscher, P. M. (2012). A better coefficient of determination for genetic profile analysis. Genetic epidemiology, 36(3), 214-224.

  • Implementation adopted from TwoSampleMR




See Data conversion